You’re in it, so win it!

The complexities of life can be tough to navigate at times. Sometimes you feel like you can’t take another day. You feel like quitting, giving up, throwing in the towel, but don’t give up now. Continue to persevere knowing and believing that if you don’t give up, you will win. Life is a journey, not a race.

God has given you all things richly to enjoy. Not that everything on the journey will be enjoyable. But it’s choosing to grow through the good with the bad. Growth rarely happens in the good times; it’s in the challenging times, the low times, the tough times, and the hard times. That’s when you must decide to press through, not to let go of God’s word or those words that God has spoken in your heart.

It’s during the hard times that you must learn to persevere, hold your head up and look to heaven and say, “God, I trust you.”  Yes, sometimes with tears streaming down your face, resisting the thoughts to throw in the towel, hoping against Hope.

Don’t grow weary while doing good. In your season, you will reap if you don’t lose heart, faint, give up, quit, that’s what God’s word declares. Don’t allow the tough times to make you bitter; use them to make you better. Use every stumbling block in your life as a stepping-stone. During the tough times, don’t always run to the phone; this is the time to press even the more into God’s presence. All the answers  you need are in His presence. You will find strength, comfort, and direction. The word of God reads, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you”.

Rest assured, God is less concerned about your happiness but more concerned with you manifesting His Glory in your life. He knows and understands that once you get to the place where your life glorifies Him, happiness will be there. Proverbs 16:20 reads, “He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the Lord happy is he.” Look to God’s word for your happiness, not to people or things.

You are here on planet earth because there is something that God has placed within you that this world needs. Look around at how chaotic this world has become. Where do you fit? What’s your part? Could it be that you lack fulfillment because you are not living out your God-given purpose? Regardless of how you got here, you are not an accident. There is greatness within you.

I heard the late Dr. Myles Munroe say, “Our lives are not ahead of us but within us.” Everything that God has already purposed you to do and be is within you right now. It is up to you to discover your God-given gifts and talents. Then release them to the world. You’re born to win.

You’re in it, so win it! Oh yeah and enjoy the journey

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  1. Thank you so much!!

  2. Robin P B says:

    Great article!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you!

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