Work is Required

There are layers in our soul that need to be uprooted so that we can walk in God’s truth. I love how God is so patient with us. As we yield to Him, He uncovers those things in us that don’t line up with who He is, who we should be, and what we should do. One of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth. He will guide us into all truth. John 16:13

For the last few years, I have been on a quest to know God more, really evaluating what I believe about God. I’m seeing Him more from a biblical mindset. The biblical mindset for me is not just trying to be right, but to do right, to truly walk by the principles of God’s word. I had mixed perceptions, messages I had processed incorrectly viewing God from an unrealistic perspective through the years. Subconsciously, I had a viewpoint of seeing God as some sort of “genie in the sky,” if you will. Though consciously, I knew He wasn’t, but my actions showed differently. If you really want to know what you believe about God, it’s all in your actions.

You can recover

I am concerned about believers who have this unrealistic belief about what God will do and what our part is. I grew up hearing, “if you take one step, God will take two.” It was quoted as scripture, which it’s not. But I have come to understand the principle of the saying. In observing my life and the lives of others, I see when we do nothing, God does nothing. We see no real manifestation of the destiny that God has for us operating in our lives. Though God wants to be good to his people, discipline is needed. He, God, will not supersede our will.

As I look back over my life, I realize that I have wasted several years waiting on the Lord. But the truth is, He’s been waiting on me. There are dreams that God has given me. But I was waiting for them to come to pass with no corresponding action. Foolish, I know! However, there are some of you in the same boat I was in. That’s the point of this post.

I do want to interject this here, though you may have wasted time. Don’t feel like it’s too late, God is the God of another chance – not just a second chance. I once heard my pastor say, “God is able to preserve what you are willing to pursue. You can recover!”

God is relational

I’m reminded of the story in 2 Chronicles 20 when three armies had conspired together to come against King Jehoshaphat and the army of God.  The King didn’t know what to do so he began to seek God saying, “We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”  God instructed them not to be fearful or dismayed because of the armies. The battle was not theirs to fight, but God would fight for them. Catch this! He still instructed them to go to the battle, to position themselves. They didn’t remain in their tents chilling. No! They still had to do something, go to the battle, and position themselves. We must do the same. Work is required.

God, who is our Heavenly Father, is not just a transactional God; He’s relational. He will walk with us through this journey called life, not fix everything without our assistance. According to Psalm 32:8, The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

Corresponding action

Through experience, I have discovered that if you do nothing, it’s less likely you will see the power of God operating in your life. Regardless of what God has spoken to you if you don’t put the corresponding action to it, the only thing you will see is time passing by. Remember faith without works is dead being alone.

Use every stumbling block in your life as a stepping stone. What is a stumbling block? It is anything in your life that hinders you from moving forward to fulfilling purpose, such as making excuses, procrastination, laziness, and etc.

If you want to see the manifestation of the will of God operating in your life, commit to a daily love relationship with God through a consistent prayer life. Get His instruction and put in the work. Work is required.

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1 Comment

  1. This post is so timely. This is wonderful!! thank you so much for sharing your life with us..

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