light bulb, pursuit, pursuing

What Are You Pursuing?

“What are you pursuing?”  That was the question God asked me.  So I ask you today, “What are you pursuing?” If you are at a place in life where you feel dissatisfied or disappointed. I ask you again, “What are you pursuing?”

I have discovered in many cases; I felt unfulfilled because I wasn’t pursuing purpose. Subconsciously, I was waiting for something to happen in life that I had no preparations.  Are you in that boat? If you are not consistently pursuing purpose, life can leave you feeling a sense of unfulfillment or disappointment.

For some of you, you can list the things you’re pursuing. Some, like I was, are sitting back dreaming of what you would like to see come to fruition in your life, but with no preparation. Others have no idea what to do with your life. I want to reassure you God has a plan for you. There’s a difference between a good idea and a God idea. What God’s view are you pursuing?  You are here because God has a purpose and a plan for your life. There’s a proverb that reads, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails (19:21).

If you are not clear of your purpose, your reason for existing,  I want to encourage you to develop and pursue an intimate relationship with God – our Creator. He loves you and will not withhold any good thing from you. But you must follow after Him. We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

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    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, LaWanda!!!

      1. Sha McIntyre says:

        Enjoyed the read!

  1. Tabby says:

    Sherri, This is a beautiful website and the words are so encouraging. Thank you for reminding me to work the plan to fulfill His purpose.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you, Tabby!!!

    2. Patricia Long says:

      Sherry, “What are you Pursuing” is so encouraging and eye opening. This was a very on time message for me. I pray God will continue to bless you and use you in your ministry.

      1. Sherry Long says:

        Thanks, Sis!!!

  2. Tiffany says:

    Sherry this wonderful! I am so proud of you for creating such an inspiring blog. I look forward to reading more and I can’t wait to see your blog blossom!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you, Sug!! (Tiffany) 🙂

  3. This was an enlightening blog. Many times the need to succeed can hinder one from seeing and realizing the call that God has for us. The key as you have stated, is our relationship with God. He and he alone knows why he created us. Awesome!! looking forward to the next blog 🙂

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