Unwanted Pounds


I’m on a journey to drop these unwanted pounds and decided to take my readers along with me on this journey.  I’ve started this journey many times before, stopping and starting over again. However, I have the exercise part down; now, I need to get the food part right.

As I have said in a previous blog, life is a journey, not a race. I’m taking my weight loss journey day by day. On this journey, I will post my victories and struggles.

During my prayer time, I asked God many times for help with this area of my life.  I’m grateful He has revealed to me the strongholds in my mind that caused me to have a wrong relationship with food. Maybe you can relate. Not that I’m there yet, but at least I know my issues, and that’s half the battle.

For a few years, I prayed for a personal trainer and a group of ladies to work out consistently. I’m happy to say that a few years ago, God answered my prayer. God gave me a beautiful and encouraging trainer by the name of Hermene, and she’s no joke, along with a wonderful group of ladies. Even on those days, I didn’t feel like working out, her positive energy and personality is so contagious that I ALMOST forget I was working out. At the end of the workout, “I’m thinking is the hour up already,” as sweat is literally running down my face.

There’s a core group of about six committed women, though the room is usually full, there’s that core group that I can count on showing up Monday through Thursday.  Hermene not only trains our bodies but also, is helping to reshape our minds. So now that God has done His part, I must be committed to the area of healthy eating starting now.

There are many times I’m on point with healthy eating. Then I have those days that I trip out and eat the wrong things. How many know you can exercise as much as you like if you don’t eat healthily, you will not get your desired results. I had been exercising but not committed in the area of food.

Weight loss is 20% exercise and 80% how you eat. I’m good with the training, but the food is a work in progress. I have proven these statistics; I’ve worked out for 3 years straight and didn’t lose or gain a pound. I was consuming too many calories. Hermene would say, “I love you, and I’m glad you’re here, but if you don’t eat right, this exercising is not going to help you,” and she was right.

During COVID-19

I’m currently back on my healthy lifestyle journey, eating healthy and ready to put both the food and exercise together to eliminate these unwanted pounds. Since the gym is not open, due to COVID-19, one of my good friends and I have been walking 3-4 miles in the mornings, Monday through Saturday, since July 2020. I definitely miss Hermene, my crew of ladies, and the rigorous workouts.

Follow my journey. If you are overweight, don’t just watch me; let’s make this happen together. We got this!!!

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  1. Awesome Job! Keep it up!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, Shawn!!!

  2. Danny Long says:

    Hey Sis, I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that through Christ all things are possible. Hang in there you can achieve your goal!!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you, sir.

  3. Jessica Williams says:

    Loving your fitness journey you are looking amazing. You always inspire me to push forward and challenge me to do better when I get into myself Thank you for being a light.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      You’re the best. Thanks!!!

  4. Brenda Ray says:

    Sherry, so proud of you. Thank you for sharing your Journey. I will continue to encourage and support you. Just know you are not alone. I’m with you in spirit and truth even if I’m not there physically beside you. You have all that you need to get the job done. Let’s Go!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Brenda, I do appreciate your support. Thank you!

  5. Jeraldine says:

    Sherry, there’s no stopping you now!! You’ve owned the choice you made and are on the move. Your determination proves that the mind is a powerful thing.

  6. Sherry Long says:

    Thank you for being one of my biggest supporters and walking partner. 🙂

  7. Robin says:

    sherry, I’m so proud of what you are doing. I know many will be blessed by what you have to share. keep on reaching your highest high for His glory…

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you. That’s the plan :-).

  8. Robin P B says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey. keep up the good work!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, Robin.

  9. Debbie Noll says:

    You have some great goals! And great support! You will be an encouragement to all of us.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, Debbie!

  10. Hermene 940Fitness says:

    Sherry, you have it! D.I.S.C.I.P.L.I.N.E. is not only about the regimen, but it is also the inspiration and the vision. It is not giving up and giving in but praising up and investing in GOD and Yourself. Keep it up! I’m going to be right there in your corner.

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