The Christmas Season

It’s December! Christmas is on the way.  This year I have found myself super excited about Christmas. Not that I’ve not been excited in the previous years, about the day chosen to celebrate the birth of our King. But this year seems different.

Growing up as a child, though we didn’t have a lot, my parents always made the Christmas season special. Our dad would go out to purchase a tree for us to decorate. My four brothers and I would wake up on Christmas day and my mom would have transformed our home into a winter wonderland. She would complete the finishing touches after we went to bed. It was beautifully decorated, baked goods, candy, and of course gifts.

When I left home and moved out on my own. I barely even remember decorating for Christmas, well except maybe a few times. Many Christmas seasons has gone by in the past and there was no life of Christmas in my home, if it was determined by decorations.

But as I said early, this Christmas seems different. I have my Christmas decorations up already, I have designed and had cards printed to send out to family and friends (I have never done that before). I have also planned to cook a good Christmas dinner for my mom and me. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 my daughter will not be traveling home this year.

As I was turning off my Christmas lights for the night, God revealed to me why I didn’t decorate for Christmas in the past….”I wasn’t expecting anything.”. Wow! This year I have my expectations up, by planning and adding action to my life, for the wonderful things God will do in and through my life going forward.

Did you catch that – planning and action? In the years previously, I got just what I was planning for — nothing.

If you are discouraged, see Christ in Christmas this year and know He has a wonderful plan for your life, if you would let Him lead and guide. He is no longer that babe in the manger. He is our risen Lord who sits on the right hand of the Father forever interceding for us.

I heard someone say, “God is like a head coach, He will call the plays, but you have to run them.” Run your race – we already have the victory.

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

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  1. Gina Linney says:

    Sherry! I absolutely love this! Please continue allowing the Father yo use you through this blog! It is beautifully reading and such an encouragement. Blesdings on your journey

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you, Gina!!!

  2. Catherine Simmons says:

    Sherry this is beautiful and up lifting. You were a big inspiration to me when I was working. You kept me grounded and with our conversations each morning, it grew me closer to God. Thanks and keep writing. I see a book in the future.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, Catherine. The best supervisor ever!!! Still miss you today. The book is on the to do list. 🙂

  3. Jessica Williams says:

    This is awesome I especially like the Christmas Season encouragement. You are right I never did much for Christmas. I guess I was looking at myself instead of it being about Christ birthday. Beautifully put. I shall share this.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, Jessica.

  4. Sherina Woodson says:

    I’ve felt the same as you in past years about this season. No decorations at all and not very excited. But this year I seem to be a little more excited. Even put up a little decoration. More focused this year on the reason for the season that being Jesus Christ and being truly grateful. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, Sherina. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Jeraldine Bailey says:

    Sherry, it’s a blessing to me to know how God is working in this area of your life. Hold on to His unchanging hand!

  6. Love your Christmas spirit this year! Great blog post.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you, RG.

  7. Shawn says:

    SOOO TRUE! Last year I put mom’s Tree up & 3 ornaments. This year we can’t celebrate together… This year her Tree fully decorated, all stockings hung on the fireplace and white lights blink in the front Yard!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      That’s great! Thanks, Shawn

  8. Robin P B says:

    Love It!! That’s real stuff Sherry!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      I want my blog to be a place where people are encouraged, challenged, and discover Christ.

  9. This year is different, and like you, I think I am looking forward to it a little more also. I am a mom and I try to make Christmas a magical time for my children, but it is a lot of pressure. This year, I like the idea of slowing things down, staying home, and just being with my family. It is more important for me to teach my children the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you for this post.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you!

  10. Thank you for sharing!

  11. This year is definitely different. Growing up Christmas was a big thing in my home too, but as I’ve got older I’ve lost some of my Christmas spirit for sure. I really enjoyed reading this post and found it very uplifting and motivating especially where you spoke of planning and action. It’s so true.

  12. Christmas is such a great season. So much wonder comes and enjoying the season is just part of it. So happy that you have found joy and meaning this Christmas.

  13. Wow Sis, this brought back memories of our childhood. You are right! We did not have much but mom and dad made it special by reminding us that we have each other. I still remember you being the only girl of the siblings getting the most presents LOL!! Continue to allow God to use you. There are family members out there who are being blessed by your stories. Love ya Sis.

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