Surviving to Overcomer

Originally posted 7/17/2019

God, through Christ, has made us more than overcomers. He never intended for us to survive in life.  Let me tell you something; people who survive in life are the ones who get up every day with no plan for their day. Some make it through a situation but don’t know-how; God’s word gives us victory (1 John 5:4). Some live with the mentality to go with the flow. In many cases, living unfulfilled lives and refusing to seek the God who knows all.

The key to a believer in Jesus Christ living an overcoming life is to seek God and obey daily. We must choose to live a purposeful and intentional life of obedience.  An overcomer faces obstacles but learns to grow through them.

I use to live like a survivor, and it wasn’t long ago. Some years ago, God said to me, “you are surviving, and I never called you to survive, but live as an overcomer.”  I wish I could say at that moment, things in my life changed. However, I was slow in getting the message.

Now many years later, I’m finally taking God at His Word. I’m choosing to live a life of purpose and intentionality as I stay connected to my relationship with God by His Holy Spirit. The life God intended for me from the very beginning. Scripture says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it’s God’s purpose that prevails.” I’m pursuing purpose. What about you?

Many are surviving unaware. Unfortunately, some are sitting back, blaming others for their position in life. Yes, you may have suffered some mistreatment or unfair things that have happened in life. But use those things as stepping-stones to propel you forward. Unknowingly, I subconsciously blamed others for my position in life. However, once God uncovered that area of my thinking, I stopped playing the victim.

The way to tell if you are surviving or overcoming is by your daily habits. What are you planning? What you do daily is an indicator of your faith.  It’s not enough to pray. Faith without works is dead being alone. One other thing!!! Your faith needs a partner — call patience. When God sees your faith, he will come alongside to help.  How does He see your faith, you ask?  He sees your faith through your actions.

It’s time to stop sitting around, feeling sorry for yourself or blaming others for the outcome of your life.  It’s time to be an overcomer and watch what God does in and through your life. (Romans 8:30-39)

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  1. Jeraldine says:

    Very inspiring!

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you, Mrs. Bailey.

  2. Revondia Spinks says:

    Thank you Sherry, I just subscribed, looking forward to reading your blogs

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you, Jeanie!!!

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