Weight loss, Results

Planning for results

January 7, 2021

I have not posted about my fitness journey for a few months, actually since October 6, 2020. Wow, it’s hard to believe we are now in 2021. It’s been 3 months since I last posted. Yes, I am still on my fitness journey, and I have decided this time to stop starting over and, for real, make this a lifetime journey. Yes, I do have days where I eat the wrong foods, but I brush myself off and keep moving.

I did not meet my goal last year, which was to lose 50lbs, but I did drop off 25lbs. Many times through the years, I would focus on losing weight and when I didn’t reach my goal I would quit and give up. Years would go by before I would start again. I know every time I stop and start again, I’m wasting so much time. At some point, we must stop starting over and stay the course.

Plan to achieve

Benjamin Franklin said, “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” So, I didn’t reach my goal because I didn’t plan properly. Yes, I did lose 25lbs. However, in 5 months, I could have met my 50lb goal. Some may say that’s too much weight in such a short time. I would say, I agree. So I’m going to take my time and really enjoy my journey of becoming physically fit and healthy.

I have decided to set weekly goals for myself, go back to logging my daily food and water intake to my Fitbit, and planning my meals. I was seeing better results when I did just these three things.

I tried to upload a video I recorded of myself out walking a few weeks ago. I have been having a hard time trying to upload the video. Wow, I finally figured out how to upload the video. It was easier than I thought.

Jazzie and I strolling in the park.

With the weather change and my partner not being able to walk, I have not been walking daily as I had been when the weather was warm. The past few weeks, I have only been walking on Saturdays. I was walking in the early mornings, and with the weather change, there have not been people out at the park during the early hours, and without my partner, I don’t think it’s a good idea to walk in the park alone.

Now that my work schedule is changing, due to COVID, I will be able to walk again throughout the week, using my lunch hour.

I will keep you updated on my journey!

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1 Comment

  1. Jeraldine says:

    Fantastic!! Keep on reaching your goal! Never, ever give up! So proud of you!!

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