My journey continues…

Week 10 – Day 1-3

Sept 7, 2020
As I continue to week 10 of my fitness journey, today was an amazing 4.4-mile walk. I said to God as I was preparing for my walk, “Lord, I need to feel your presence.” He answered my prayer as I went for my walk this morning. My walk was so effortless this morning. I walked around the park twice and was heading for a third-round before I realized it. God’s presence is amazing. Nothing and I mean nothing, compares to His presence being tangible in your life. I had been experiencing pain in my hip flexors as I walk. I felt no pain or discomfort throughout the entire walk.
Today, I didn’t struggle up the rocky hill back to my vehicle, as I had the weeks and days before. I experienced God’s supernatural presence. Hallelujah!!!
I came home and decided to start doing 10 pushups and 20 situps this week.
I also ran in place for 5 minutes once I got home. That may not sound like a lot, but normally I couldn’t jog in place for a complete 1 min.

Sept 8, 2020
Today my walking partner couldn’t go walking, so the Lord and I set out on my walk together. It was another glorious walk. It was refreshing and enjoyable. I walked another 4.4 miles. I returned home and jogged, in place, throughout the entire time one of my favorite songs played; I’m moving on by Jonathan McReynolds. I completed 10 pushups and 20 situps. Lord, thank you so much for giving me health and strength.

Sept 9, 2020
This morning I was so focused on getting to the park that I didn’t even hear that it was raining outside. I got completely dressed, and as I was putting on my knee brace, that’s when I begin to hear the pouring down of the rain. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed. I can’t even go to the gym to get on the treadmill due to COVID-19, and the gym is right across the walkway from my office building. It looks like I will be investing in a treadmill.

Week 13 – Day 6

Oct 3, 2020

It was the Lord and me on the walk this morning. My walking partner had to go out of town. I was able to take my time and take in the beautiful day. The temperature was 46 degrees when I started on my walk this morning. I was all bundled up for the cold. I was at the park for over 3 hours. I walked 4 times around then stopped to sit and take in the beautiful scenery. I got in 1 more lap. If I’m not mistaken, one of the guys who works at the park told us a lap around is 1.6 miles, I think. After my 5th lap around, I spent about 10 minutes looking into the water at the little fish near the shore and sat for about 20 minutes to take in more of the scenery. My time at the park today was so enjoyable and relaxing.

Week 14 – Day 2

Oct 6, 2020

This morning was another cold one, but we bundled up and made it through another day’s walk. 4.7 miles in the books. According to my Fitbit, I have walked further than the north to the south of India, which is 1997 miles since July 5.

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  1. Jeraldine says:

    Way to go! Continue to hear the voice of God.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thank you. Mrs. Bailey.


  3. Joann says:

    Thanks for inviting me to read your blog. Your dedication and willingness to carry on is very inspiring. I am trying, but it is difficult. I just need to get in the right frame of mind and follow your path:)

  4. LaWanda says:

    I loved reading this!

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