Living Our Best Life

6 Ways to Living Your Best Life

God has an amazing plan for each of our lives. He wants us to live our best life. Think about this for a moment… God is all-knowing (Psalm 139:4) and all-wise (Romans 16:27). Many scriptures tell us about these attributes of God; I just mentioned two here. Since these are his attributes, why would we not seek to know his ultimate plan to live our best life?

When I think of living our best life, I think of what it is that God has planned for our lives. We are God’s masterpiece; he has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago, according to Ephesians 2:10.

God wants us to live our best life. Living this life will require effort on our part. There is a song that goes, “What God has for me, it is for me.” That’s true! However, if we don’t do our part, we will never see it, unfortunately, even though it’s ours. When we choose to receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we come into a covenant relationship with God our Heavenly Father.  This covenant is an agreement between God and his people.

God our Father

As I was studying the book of Jeremiah, a passage of scripture opened my eyes as to how God really wants to relate with us. The passage reads, “I thought to myself, I would love to treat you as my own children!’ I wanted nothing more than to give you this beautiful land – the finest possession in the world. I looked forward to your calling me Father, and I wanted you never to turn from me.” This is how God views covenant.

God wanted to give them His best, but they had to fulfill their part. Their part was not to turn from him, seek and obey him. We must do the same while understanding what this new life in Christ offers (Colossians 3:9-11). In doing this, he will give us the ability to live our best life. The amazing life he has for each of us will definitely not be a fairytale, it comes with challenges, but it will be amazing because God promises never to leave or forsake us. He will be our present help in trouble.

When those words were spoken to God’s people at that time, they were in exile with no apparent hope. But how did they get there? Because they choose not to follow the ways of the Lord. God’s people chose their own path and continued to suffer the consequences. All God ever wanted for his people was to be their father. He still wants the same today. As I go back and read the old covenant, I see how God wanted to protect, provide, love, and care for his people. He’s the same Father today. He provided these scriptures to show us his nature.

New Covenant

He is the same God in the old covenant (testament) as He is in the new covenant (testament). Except in the new covenant, we have better promises because of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit – who gives us the advantage in life. The Holy Spirit is our helper to navigate through life. It is our responsibility to solicit his help daily. When we consider God in our everyday life, He’s there to direct and guide us to his perfect plan.

Sometimes when you see God as God and not as Father God, He appears distant, untouchable, and unrelatable. He is a present Father God who wants us to depend on him for our wisdom and direction. Just as God wanted to be Father and provide for Israel, his covenant people, He feels the same toward us, his covenant people. 

Expected End

Many of you are familiar with Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end. We read that and get excited and don’t continue to read the rest of that passage. When we call upon him, pray to him, then will he begin to reveal to us the plans or thoughts that he thinks toward us. If we want to live our best life, we must seek him and search for him with all our hearts. Then he will begin to reveal His best plan for our lives. Piece by piece as we obey.

We live in a time of instant gratification. Many don’t want to put in the time to get the results of the life God wants to offer us. God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wise, all-loving, and always present. God’s greatest desire is that we will see Him as our Heavenly Father, the one who wants to take care of us, to provide for us, to love us, to protect us, to name a few. He wants to be the one we unequivocally depend on.

If we want to live the best life God wants to give each of us, we have a responsibility. He is not a genie; He doesn’t work in magic.


  1. Present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God.
  2. Daily seek God consistently and diligently.
  3. Surrender your will to Him.
  4. Spend quality time in His Word.
  5. Obey His instructions.
  6. Practice His word.

Everlasting Love

God loves us, and nothing can separate us from that love. He wants to give us his best. Though we will face difficulties in this life, he promises always to be present to help us grow through them.

Invite God into every area of your life; he wants to perfect that which concerns you to live your best life.

You can walk in Godfidence.

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  1. Danny says:

    This was a well written and awe inspiring post. I enjoyed the way you used scripture to make your point. One of the statements you made that brought a smile to my face was:

    “The amazing life he has for each of us will definitely not be a fairytale, it comes with challenges, but it will be amazing because God promises never to leave or forsake us. He will be our present help in trouble.”

    You are right, living your best life according to God, takes commitment and focus. Instant gratification is not in God’s vocabulary. It took me a long time to realize that my timeframe and God’s timing are totally different. Great blog!!

  2. Remember that God’s best plan is what took Jesus to the cross. Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” Many believers have been martyred for Christ. The road is narrow, but ultimately your greatest joy and fulfillment in life will only be found in submissive obedience to God’s will. Align your heart to His, and He will give you the desires of your heart!

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