Life is a Journey

Persevering on the journey requires one to live life with intention, routine, and goal setting for fulfillment. Regardless of the obstacles that come to hinder the journey, continue to pursue your purpose for living.

Every person on planet earth has a reason for existing. If God did not have a reason for your existence, he wouldn’t have allowed you to swim past all the other sperm from the vagina to the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg to produce you. According to WebMD, men release nearly 100 million sperms during ejaculation. Think about that for a moment! You are here on purpose, for a purpose.

There is a purpose for your life that no one else can fulfill but you. Greatness is already within you. It’s not ahead of you; it’s within you waiting to be discovered. Proverbs 19:21 informs us that, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”  Spending quality and intentional time with God and in His Word will assist in that discovery.

You cannot expect greatness to be revealed in your life without some effort on your part. Living a life of discipline and consistency is crucial for the successful fulfillment of purpose. (It has taken me a long time to get this, but I finally got it after many years). For those who do not live a disciplined life, the word discipline could be scary or insinuate bondage. Real bondage is a life lived without discipline. Discipline helps to stay the course and reach your destiny.

Make a decision right now to persevere on the journey to pursue your purpose.

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  1. Jessica Williams says:


    1. Thanks Jessica

  2. Tiffany says:

    Thanks for lifting us up! Now give us some more please : )

  3. Good Morning Sis, It is amazing to me how similar our discoveries on this journey are. You are right it took me years to realize how much a disciplined life has cause me to grow in areas that I thought would never happen. Great post.

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