Happy Father’s Day

Today we celebrate fathers. So I thought I would share my views about the role of a father from a Christian perspective. The purpose of a father is necessary and vital in the life of a child. Fatherhood is not something to be entered into without thought or plans. Parenthood is a serious responsibility and should be carried out intentionally and with purpose. The role affects the generations of your family in either a positive or negative way.

My father transitioned from this life in February of 1992, and I miss him today, just as if it happened yesterday. He was not a perfect father, but he was the best he knew how to be, and he loved us. As the only girl among my siblings, I had two older brothers, than me and two younger brothers. Currently, I have one older brother and one younger brother.

My father was an excellent provider and protector. We never lacked the necessities of life. However, the emotional needs of my brothers and myself were lacking.

Growing up, my father intended to make me tough to face life. However, it produced a hardness within me. I grew up pretty much with an “I don’t care about anything or frankly anyone attitude.” It has taken me years through my relationship with Jesus Christ to free me from those unintentional wounds inflicted in my heart by my father.

My father would never have intentionally inflicted those wounds if he knew better. However, they were there. Ignorance can be costly. However, we are all ignorant of something. To be ignorant, simply means lacking knowledge in an area. I remember when I was about twelve years of age, my father accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and I could see my father’s heart-changing from a no-nonsense, quick-tempered person into a more loving and gentle father.

A father’s role is to bless his children by being an encourager, a provider, a protector, and a wise leader of his home. He is the knight that guards the heart of his children. A father should demonstrate these characteristics to his children, not in word only but action. He must lead by example.

My prayer for all fathers that have been wounded and are inflicting the wounds of their past upon their children is that they would seek the Heavenly Father and allow Him to heal them so that the wounds of past generations will not continue onto future generations.

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  1. Danny Long says:

    Great article!!

  2. Danny Long says:

    Great blog.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      Thanks, Danny.

  3. Neicyb says:

    I really enjoyed reading all of your information and stories. I too am working on my health. I will continue to follow you.

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