Happy 2018

As we embark upon another year, what vision do you have for your life? What are you expecting? Have you made any plans? If you didn’t like the results of 2017, don’t get discouraged or depressed, change your routine. Begin expecting and planning for the life you desire to live.

Having a vision for your life is like a woman who’s pregnant. Once she discovers she’s pregnant, she begins to act like it. She rubs her stomach talking to and about the baby. She starts dreaming about the baby. Making provisions for the things the baby will need, pricing pampers, going to her doctor’s appointments, making plans for where the baby will sleep, and sometimes she does this before she’s even showing. But she’s in expectation and planning mode of birthing a child. What plans do you have in place? The results are in your daily routine.

Beginning acting like a pregnant woman, prepare! Everyone on earth is pregnant with greatness. Greatness is not to be determined but to be discovered. God has declared, “For we are His masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10-NLT)

Begin expecting and preparing this year. Be willing to put in the necessary work for the birthing of your dreams. If you choose to live in a place called “comfortable,” your dreams will never become a reality. Remember, while you’re praying, also prepare.

Happy 2018!!!

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