Failure is not a person

In my past, I struggled with feeling like a failure. Those feelings led to hopelessness, then to suicidal ideation. For many years, I wrestled with thoughts of ending my life. Satan, who the scriptures refers to as the enemy of our souls and the excuser of the brethren, continually bombarded my mind with the fact that I was a failure.

One day as I was driving, the pressure in my mind of ending it all filled my thoughts so heavy, I almost succumbed to the thoughts. Then I heard the Spirit of God say, “you know you only think about killing yourself when things don’t go your way.” From that I was able to change my perspective and use those situations in my life as a steppingstone. Not that I have mastered every area of my life, but I am definitely further along than I use to be. Also, those words from God caused the enemy to lose access in that area of my life. That stronghold was broken instantly.

I began to realize I was not a failure. I was making poor decisions which resulted in outcomes leading to failure.

In that season of my life, I learned two valuable lessons.

  1. Whenever you have areas of failure in your life, always go to God to uncover the root cause of the issue.
  2. Know that often times God allows failure in our lives to awaken us to the areas that need to change.

God wants to mature and grow us up in Him. In order to do that, we will experience times of being uncomfortable. In those times we should run to God, not from Him. He may not give you an answer overnight. I can promise you, that if you consistently & intentionally seek Him about that issue, He will come through. During this time, we must employ faith and patience as we depend on God to reveal to us the truth.

I want to encourage you today — you are not a failure! I don’t care how many mistakes you’ve made or how many times you’ve failed. Failure is not a person, but an area in your life where you need the wisdom of God.

God has made us to be more than conquerors through Christ. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. You got this! Run to the throne for help. The Holy Spirit is a very present help in times of need.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

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  1. Jeraldine Bailey says:

    Sherry, this is an inspiration to those who are dealing with battlefields of the mind. May they experience the life that God ordained for them and be released from the clutches of the enemy.

    1. Sherry Long says:

      I pray it will inspire and provoke change needed for those who read it. Thanks!!!

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