Hi, I’m Sherry.

Welcome to my home in the online space, where I get to share the pains of my past, my joys, and the hope that changed my life forever.

I am a believer in Jesus Christ and a first-time blogger who will use the pains, joys, my experiences, and victories to help you navigate through this journey of life. Are you ready to pursue your God-given purpose? If not, the content on this site will help. If you are already pursuing your purpose, you will be encourage to run on and see what the end will be. 🙂

Life is a journey lived one day at a time and is the direct result of the daily decisions we make.

It’s my pleasure and passion to help us move beyond where we are to where we dream or hope to be.

As you peruse through my website, be encouraged, empowered, gain godfidence, inspired, and for some to be given permission to pursue your God-given purpose or whatever you need to continue on this journey — called life.

Leave a comment if a blog has been of help to you, or so I know you stopped by to visit. If you have questions on anything you read, leave a comment, and I will respond. I do not have all the answers you need, but together we can persevere on the journey.

I am a 2013 graduate of Guilford College, with a BS in Psychology and a licensed teacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


  1. Jessica Williams says:

    Love it!

  2. Courtney Stith says:

    Yes Miss Sherry!!!

  3. Danny Long says:

    Hey Sis, I am so proud of you!! It takes great strength to share one’s life to the webpage. There will be some who will appreciate and embrace your message. But there will be some that will not. Keep moving forward. God has given you a platform and place that He can use you to bless His people. I love you and I am so proud of you!! Love always your big brother Danny….

    1. Sherry Long says:

      My site is for the whosoever. For those not interested in my content, there are many others to follow. There’s enough space out here for everyone’s niche. Thanks, big brother I appreciate you. Love you more!!!

  4. Robin P B says:

    Go for It!!!

    1. Sherry Long says:


  5. Floyd White Jr says:

    Hello my sister!
    What a wonderful site which I know is encouraging, blessing and bringing hope to many.

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